44 Squadron golfing quartet: Paul Millikin, Roger Dunsford, Peter Moore and Paul Taylor
Out of the DV Window
You may remember the letter from Mike Wainwright in the last newsletter, concerning the efforts of Cristophe Clement and his team in France to erect a memorial to the 44 Squadron crew of Lancaster ME599 which was shot down and crashed at Laversines, near Beauvais in July 1944. Christophe and his colleagues in the Groupe National Recherche 39/45 continue to work hard on preparations to unveil their memorial on the morning of Saturday 6th July 2024, eighty years after the loss of the aircraft. They are planning to put together an exhibition featuring the crew of ME699 in the Laversines town hall, that will run for a week for local schools and those attending the unveiling ceremony. Much of the exhibition material will come from Mike’s website, but if anyone has photos or documents that haven't been shared yet, please send them to the Editor, who will pass copies on to the group.
Local guests are being invited to attend the unveiling, including re-enactors, local and national press, and politicians. Cristophe Clement has also been approached by the Daily Telegraph for an interview. This level of publicity would be most welcome. The story of the two survivors of the crash is a remarkable one and an extract from Mike Wainwright’s website has been reproduced in this newsletter.
Unfortunately, the Membership Matters section of this edition is dominated by the unwelcome news that escalating costs have driven the committee’s decision to increase the Association’s annual membership fee to £15 with effect from 1st November 2024. Similarly, charges levied for annual reunion events and associated transport services have also been raised. The cost of bus transport to and from reunion events has historically been buried within the overall receipts for annual reunions; sadly this situation is no longer viable and costs now must be born by those members electing to make use of transportation services.
Reunion 2024
10 - 12 may
Membership Matters
Annual Subscriptions
For many years now we have struggled to keep the annual membership fee down to a modest £10, in the face of rocketing costs. Sadly this situation is is no longer sustainable and the committee has reluctantly taken the decision to increase membership fees from £10 to £15 per annum, with effect from 1st November 2024. Please therefore amend your annual payments accordingly.
Subscriptions may be paid by banker’s Standing Order, BACS transfer from your bank account or personal cheque. Standing Orders and BACS transfers should be made in favour of 44 R SQUADRON ASSOC. Alternatively, personal cheques (payable to 44 R SQUADRON ASSOC) may be mailed to the Membership Secretary at the address which appears in the left hand yellow box at the foot of the cover page.
On the same theme, it will no longer be possible to mail newsletters to members whose subscriptions have lapsed, or to those few members who doggedly continue to pay only £4 per annum. Inevitably, printing costs have increased markedly and the postage rates continue their relentless upwards trajectory. Overseas rates are now truly eye-watering. A number of members have kindly agreed to receive their newsletter by email. Anyone else wishing to do likewise, please advise the Newsletter Editor as soon as possible.
Email from Niall Stoddart
Subject: Re: Lancaster R5557 lost 8 May 1942.
Just to let you know that I have been able to update my page on Sgt Joe Miller lost on the Warnemunde raid in R5557 KM-G, including two portrait photos. I would welcome any comments as well.
Joe Miller was born in November 1914 the younger son of Albert and Amelia Miller who lived at 58 Orchard Street. Albert worked at the brewery and Amelia had been an Assistant Elementary School Teacher.
In this issue:
President & Chairman:
Air Commodore S A Baldwin MBE
Squadron Leader A C Marson (Ret’d)
E-mail: vulcansponge@icloud.com
Editor and Membership Secretary:
Squadron Leader P J Leckenby (Ret’d) MBE
E-mail: news44sqn2@icloud.com